Monday, April 30, 2012

Some of My Own Favorite Photographs

Upper West Side, Mahattan

Well, here I am, and there you are, hopefully...

My Very First Post in My Very First Blog

     I suspect I may be going through a mid-life crisis, and not really because I am so old or even that I am in any crisis, but the urge to start a blog has been nagging at me for quite some time.  So here I am, and there you are, hopefully...

I realize I am virtually talking to myself  right now, because I have no followers, but maybe in due time that will change.  Now, mind you, I have never really followed anyone else's blog, nor am I really quite entirely sure of what a blog is. What I do know that I have a lot to say and photographs to post and I have read and seen the movie about that gal who tried to cook all of Julia Child's recipes, and that was very entertaining, indeed.

I am a dentist and have been for almost 17 years.  This wonderful profession, which I absolutely love, has afforded me oodles of time with my patients as they get numb before, let's say, a root canal or an extraction or something quite scary like that. I usually diffuse their anxiety with my small talk about how my weekend went or what funny thing my kids said. Ultimately, my patients chuckle and become at ease, forgetting completely that I am wielding a high-speed drill or dental forceps.

One patient, in particular, has been urging me for the past five years to start this blog, and I've regularly dismissed and generally resisted.  Till today, that is. I need a vehicle to jot down my thoughts and share my photography, and a blog seems to be a good option, much like a diary, with the teeny-weeny exception that the world can see it. Oh well. Here I am. And if anything comes of this blog, let's say, a book or a movie, I vow to provide my nagging patient with free dental care forever! 

Anyway, she says my stories about my friends and their children, my children and their friends, and my observations about people and things around me in general, would make pretty good reads, and that she for one would follow me.  We shall see about that.  But I do know that I shall change the names and details of the characters and events in this blog, to protect the innocent and unsuspecting public, and the not-so-innocent, as well. But you know what I mean.

Okay, I'll be back.  Welcome to my page and have a great day.
